Handbell Society of Australasia
Director: Monica McTaggart
The BellsWest program comprises 4 separate handbell ensembles, all under the capable leadership of Monica McTaggart. WeeBells, for pre-primary and Year 1 children, rings on a 1-and-a-half octave chromatic set of combination desk bells. WestChimes, for children in Years 2-4, develop their music-reading skills using tone chimes. WestBells (Years 3-5) ring at an AGEHR Level 2 standard, and finally BellsWest Ringers (Years 5-12+), who are currently learning to sight read at an AGEHR Level 3 standard.
All groups rehearse on Tuesday afternoons/evenings, and would love to welcome any stray handbell-ringers from aroundabouts who might be visiting Perth on a Tuesday!
For more information, please visit our Western Australia News & Events page.
BellsWest - Perth
Directed by Monica McTaggart