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How do I become an HSA member?


Why should I join the Handbell Society of Australasia?


If you're wondering why you should join up with the HSA, please click HERE to download a brochure explaining all the benefits of membership.


Joining the Handbell Society of Australasia is easy.  


Just send your yearly subscription to the Membership Secretary and in return you will receive our biannual newsletter, the Handbell Herald, as well as the support of an established network of bellringers all over Australia and New Zealand.  

Membership of the HSA also provides ringers and non-ringers alike with the opportunity to attend international symposia and regional festivals, and to make use of the HSA Loan scheme for purchasing instruments. 


***Please note HSA Membership fees have CHANGED***


Individual price is now $25 per year and Group price is $55 per year.

Both prices are in either Australian or New Zealand Dollars, depending on your country of residence.

International members: Individual price is $25 AUD and Group price is $55 AUD per year.


HSA membership forms for groups or individuals appear below. Please select the relevant form:




Forms can be submitted in either hard OR soft copy to our Treasurer or Secretary:



Payment can be made by direct deposit, cheque or International Bank Draft (for non-Australian members). 

The preferred method of payment is direct deposit, into the following account:


Account Name: 

The Handbell Society of Australasia Inc

BSB:                              012 740

Account Number:       4803 14411



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