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Handbell Society of Australasia

Geelong Handbell Choir
Director: Gwyn Gillard
The Geelong Handbell Choir is an independent group which has been active since 1991.
With a team of 5 to 8 ringers the group performs on a 3-octave set of Whitechapel handbells.
Geelong Handbell Choir’s Director, Mrs Gwyn Gillard (together with Anne Doggett) has written a book chronicling the history of handbell ringing in Australasia. The book is entitled See How They Ring! - Travelling Bellringers on the Australasian Popular Stage, and was officially launched at the 2011 HSA Festival in Launceston. It is available for purchase via its dedicated website, and comes highly recommended by the HSA.
For more information, please visit our Victoria News & Events page.
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