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Queensland - Mackay

Image by Steve Collis

CC By 2.0

Loyola Chimers

January 01, 2020

Contact: Cynthia Delaney


Joy Chimers

January 01, 2020

Contact: Cynthia Delaney


University of the Third Age

January 01, 2020

Contact: Beth Wallace

Email Carmel Daveson:

St Patrick's Handbell Ensemble

January 01, 2020

Contact: Carmel Daveson


Mercy College

January 01, 2020

The handbell musicians of Mercy College, Mackay with their borrowed HSA bells.  Mercy is a middle school and the students are 13 to 15 years of age. 

Contact: Eliza Strickland


Mercy College

January 01, 2020

Mercy Bells of Mercy College, Mackay Queensland marked the Day of Peace by playing “Peace I leave with you my friends” on bells and chimes at the assembly.  A young 14 year old chorister sang the words and then the students joined in.  The dedication to peace read as follows:

Throughout the world, bells are a symbol of freedom and peace; honouring our past; celebrating our present and inspiring our future.

The ringing of the bells throughout the word on the ‘International Day of Peace’ reminds us that we all need to dedicate ourselves to working for peace.

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